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10:00 AM
Opening remarks by UNEP - Sonja Leighton Kone, Acting Deputy Executive Director, UN Environment Programme
Plenary: How are we influencing systems change within higher and further education?
Chaired by Tongji University
Prof. Jiang Wu, Co-Chair of YEA, Dean of IESD, Professor of Tongji University
Inspiration The education sector has a critical role as a non-state actor in driving the Race to Zero. As anchor institutions in our communities, universities and colleges have a leadership role in bringing together business, industry and regions for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents threats, creates decent jobs and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth. We need to build momentum around the shift to a decarbonized economy ahead of COP27, sending governments a resounding signal that the education sector is united in meeting the Paris goals.
Ramiro Fernandez, Campaign Director, Race to Zero Climate Champions Team
10:15 AM
Learn about YEA! Initiatives:
Race to Zero for Universities and Colleges Race to Zero is transformational for the world’s universities and colleges. A critical insight and case study to what it is and where the Race is going next.
Tim Carter, President, Second Nature
The Little Book of Green Nudges Little Book of Green Nudges has been seeking to influence behavioural change to make our societes greener, among students and staff on and outside of campuses all around the world, a story of success and challenges.
Noemie Metais, Youth and Education Officer, UNEP
Varenya Kumar, Green Delhi Fellow, Delhi Government’s Department of Environment
Izzy Brennan, Advisor, BIT’s Energy and Sustainability team
Sustainable University Framework Key insight to UNEP’S universal stepped approach to university sustainability. Using the Framework any university can start on its unique pathway to becoming a sustainable one.
Iain Patton, UNEP YEA!
Regional Spotlight: India
Mainstreaming sustainability in higher educational establishments has taken up center stage in India. India has approximately 37.4 million youth enrolled in Higher education establishments. The newly emerging India Green University network promises to be a space for higher educational establishments in India to Convene, Communicate, Collaborate, Catalyze, Commit. Indian universities are increasingly making their mark be it in Climate science research or building the first net zero energy. water and waste university at Nalanda (UNESCO world heritage Site now designed to be a university to learn from tradition) or participating with UNEP’s higher ed initiatives. They have much to share and learn.
Gayatri Raghwa, Consultant Environment Education, UNEP India
Dr. Fawzia Tarannum, Assistant Professor, Institution, TERISAS (TERI SCHOOL OF ADVANCED STUDIES)
Prof. Poonam Kumaria, Professor, Miranda House, University of Delhi
11:15 AM
Deep Dive Breakout Sessions:
Race to Zero Breakout Room - Continue the conversation with critical questions and ambition for Race to Zero Universities and Colleges
Tim Carter, President, Second Nature
Rajendra Shende, Chairman, TERRE Policy Centre
Sachihiko Harashina, President, Chiba University of Commerce
Durga Kamat, TERRE Policy Centre
Prof. Muhammad Nurunnabi, Prince Sultan University
The Little Book of Green Nudges Breakout Room Continue the conversation to get feedback on three points (i) impact measurement for nudges, (ii) adaptation to regional contexts, (iii) as well as how to bring nudges outside of campus with universities embracing their role of influencers for sustainable change.
Elisabeth Biggs, Student, Integrated Masters in Biology, Oxford University
Kaori Uetake, Behavioural Insights Consultant, Yokohama, Japan
Varenya Kumar, Green Delhi Fellow, Delhi Government's Department of Environment
The UNEP Sustainable University Framework Breakout Room - Following on from the Keynote, hear from two leading sustainability leaders on how to start using the UNEP Framework to initiate or energise your university's sustainability journey. Responding to the call for action, UNEP now seeks 2 leading and pioneering universities from each UN Region to pilot the Framework for a global case study. Respond to this global opportunity.
Iain Patton, UNEP YEA!
Samuel Kusasira, Climate Change Advocate, Lecturer Management Science Department, Makerere Business School, Uganda
Maki Ikagami, Research Administrator, Hiroshima University, Director, General Incorporated Association Campus Sustainability Network in Japan
Prof. Hongwei Tan, Secretary-General of CGUN, Professor of Tongji University
11:45 AM
12:15 PM
Plenary: How can the sector scale up to transform society through higher and further education?
Chaired by EAUC
Sarah Steinberg, Economic Graph Global Partnerships, LinkedIn
Learn about upcoming YEA! Initiatives:
Nature Positive Universities - a growing network of people from 400 higher education institutions, including students, researchers, academics, staff and management, working towards making their institutions’ overall impacts “Nature Positive”. We will introduce the Nature Positive Pledge, asking our network to step up and commit to carrying out baseline studies of impacts on nature, and set ambitious targets to reduce negative impacts whilst enhancing the positive impacts. Universities are trusted sources of knowledge and can be beacons for change in our communities, helping raise awareness of the global challenges for nature and leading by example in how to get there.
Emily Stott, Nature Positive Universities Coordinator, University of Oxford
Dr Joseph Bull, Senior Lecturer in Conservation Science, Director of Research, REF Co-ordinator, University of Kent
The Green Jobs for Youth Pact, a bold new coalition for partners looking to act on accelerating the young skills and talent for green jobs contributing to a just and green transition
Adriana Zacarias, Head and Global Coordinator – GO4SDGs, UNEP
Mette Lund, Technical Officer, ILO
Climate Education - "Take Charge of Your Learning & Your Future: getting the education that's needed to tackle the climate crisis". Learn about efforts to infuse sustainability throughout the curriculum so all graduates, regardless of discipline, are equipped with the knowledge, tools & skills they need to address sustainability challenges.
Dr Debra Rowe, Co-Founder, Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium
Regional Spotlight: Africa
This session will deep dive into the work happening around higher education on the African continent, specifically in Morocco with the inception of the Africa Green University and Youth Education Network (AGUYEN) and in Kenya where we’ll learn more about the leading work of Strathmore University as well as the Kenya Green University Network (KGUN). We will take a look at some of the things happening on the ground, as well as explore more broadly the vision for transforming education in Africa.
Sarah Odera, Director, Energy Research Centre, Strathmore University
Zainab Rachdi, African Green Universities and Youth Education Network (AGUYEN); International Centre Hassan II for Environmental Training
Chris Kimani, Administration and Finance Officer and YEA focal lead in KGUN
13:15 PM
Deep Dive Breakout Sessions:
Nature Positive Breakout Room - We will hear examples and activities from some of the universities in the Nature Positive Universities network, and what they are doing at their institutions to promote nature and reduce the negative impacts associated with their activities. We will discuss the challenges and opportunities in asking our institutions to make a “Nature Positive Pledge” and explore possibilities for scale up and new partnerships with other sectors and members of our wider university communities such as supply chains, contractors, sports teams and student groups.
Emily Stott, Nature Positive Universities Coordinator, University of Oxford
Minoo Divakaran, Associate Professor, Providence Women’s College, Kerala, India
Dr Joseph Bull,Senior Lecturer in Conservation Science, Director of Research, REF Co-ordinator, University of Kent
Linda Nowlan, Senior Director Sustainability Hub, University of British Columbia, Canada
Green Jobs & Skills for Youth Breakout Room Continue the conversation to get feedback on the role of higher education in the creation of green jobs and better define/refine the asks for universities to act on this agenda.
Dr Debra Rowe, Co-Founder, Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium
Priya Venkatesh, Founder Director, The Naturalist School
Noemie Metais, Youth and Education Officer, UNEP
Vicki Aridi, Youth Coordinator, Fairtrade Africa
Climate Education Breakout Room - Continuing the conversation with critical questions and ambition for ensuring students leave with key climate knowledge and behaviours.
Meghan Fay Zahniser Executive Director, AASHE
Robin Frederick, STARS & Resources Intern, AASHE
13:45 PM
14:30 PM
Plenary: Revolutionizing Higher & Further Education: How can we close the gap between the higher and further education system we have and the one we need and how can government help to accelerate this agenda?
Sam Barratt, Chief of Youth, Education and Advocacy SOS-UK
Rt Hon. Alok Sharma, UK COP President
Youth Voices Youth perspectives on sustainability in higher education – perspectives from Nepal, Nigeria and the UK
Kelo Uchendu; Mock COP campaign coordinator Nigeria, SOS-International
Shreya K.C., Mock COP campaign coordinator Nepal, SOS-International
Josh Tregale, Mock COP campaign coordinator UK, SOS-UK
Regional Spotlight: LAC Learn how Latin America and the Caribbean higher education networks, United Nations, and Ministries of Environment are working together to integrate sustainability and the 2030 Agenda into university campuses. Supporting behavior change for more sustainable lifestyles, analyzing data through sustainability platforms, and engaging university leaders to sign committees.
Gloria Ordóñez Valenzuela, Regional Office Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations Environment Programme
Angela María Plata Rangel, Director of Master in Climate Change, Sergio Arboleda University
Alejandro Velasco, General Director, Colombo-German Cultural Institute Sprach Institut
Multi-Disciplinary Dialogue
This panel discussion will focus on how we can revolutionize higher and further education, looking specifically at how we can close the gap between the tertiary education system we have and the one we need and how government can help to accelerate this agenda. Speakers will include youth, higher education practitioners and leaders, as well as government reps to discuss how we can all work together to deliver a higher education system that delivers for people and the planet.
Shreya K.C.; Mock COP campaign coordinator Nepal, SOS-International
Daniel Ochieng, Coordinator - Kenya Green Universities Network (KGUN); Green Ambassador - Strathmore University
Mamo Bora Mamo, Director General, National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), Kenya
Johnathan Dewsbury, SRO Sustainability and Climate Change, UK Department for Education