UNEP Youth and Education Alliance – YEA!
UNEP YEA! is the global network of higher education sustainability networks committed to partnering UNEP and its For People and Planet Strategy.
UNEP YEA! comprises national and regional university and student sustainability networks in a unique collaboration driving transformative, multi-network actions that target the causes of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
YEA! is administered and supported by UNEP and the Alliance’s members represent 40 million students in 100+ countries.
This first annual global summit brings together UNEP YEA! partners alongside the wider global higher education community to inspire, empower and scale climate and sustainability ambition and action.
Current UNEP YEA! Members are:
Africa: AGUYEN - Africa Green
University Youth and Environment
North America: Second Nature
North America AASHE -
Association for the Advancement of
Sustainability in Higher Education
UK and Ireland: EAUC
Asia Pacific: Represented collectively by
CGUN - China Green Campus Network
ASCN - Asian Sustainable Campus Network
Youth: SOS-International